SoooOOOooo, yeah (sigh).
People are getting so obsess with this book that they would focus on reading it rather than to focus on thier own personal life. (Get a hold of yourself people!) The other day I saw a little girl reading the book at a restaurant. She was reading and eating at the same time. Her eyes will show the thrilling emotion when something exciting was about to happen. I could tell 'cause her eyes would pop out like frog eyes. By the way, that book has sexual content, right? Geez. This book seems to be a sexual fantasy of a mad women that's seeking for a sick pleasure of a vampire named... Edan, Eddie, Edgar, or Edwin. Ah, yes Edward. (Sorry, I had to googled the name.) Plus, I saw this mid-aged women skid to a halt and squeaking in a excited horrific kinda way at Borders the other day. Why, 'cause there was a huge Twilight display. Geez. What is the world coming to. I wonder... can it get worse.
BTW, can't wait for the movie!!! Really looking forward to it!!! LOL!!!
True Story.