Monday, December 29, 2008

::Argh, Monday::

Just arrived in Los Angeles and I have to say that I had a bloody awesome Christmas. It’s 6:22 in the morning and I have to work in a few hours… argh! Just three more days and I’ll be heading back. Oh Mexicali… I cannot wait to see you on New Years Eve! I pretty sure I will have a bloody awesome night, once I get skinfull (skinfull - enough alcohol to get drunk). Aye! So everyone, on New Years at 12:00 a.m. pick up you bevvy and cheers! Have a Happy New Years!

True Story.

Monday, December 22, 2008

::Pharm Party::

Feeling bleedin' ill. "cough, cough" I don't have much to blog about. Just that I'm bleedin' floop-a-hoop that Christmas is just around the corner. "sniff, sniff" I just hope that I recover fast from my illness. "cough, cough, sniff, sniff" With all the meds I'm taking, it almost seems like a Pharm Party. LOL!!!

Pharm Party: a media invented term describing get togethers where prescription drugs are exchanged and randomly ingested, in order to become intoxicated.


True Story.

Thursday, November 13, 2008


Well I haven't read the book and I'm not planning on it. However, I have been hearing a lot about it... by my girlfriend, television, cyberspace, billboards, and work. Especially my co-workers, they can't stop blabbing about it. Sort of like the energizer bunny... they keep going and going about this shiznit. (mmMm... am I using it correctly?) I cannot take it anymore. I would rather shoot myself in the head then to listen to the yapping conversation of fictional characters. Welly well, I have been hearing bits and pieces about this book. Ergo, it sounds to me that it's sort of like a lion falling in love with the lamb. o_O How cheesy is that for a story.

SoooOOOooo, yeah (sigh).

People are getting so obsess with this book that they would focus on reading it rather than to focus on thier own personal life. (Get a hold of yourself people!) The other day I saw a little girl reading the book at a restaurant. She was reading and eating at the same time. Her eyes will show the thrilling emotion when something exciting was about to happen. I could tell 'cause her eyes would pop out like frog eyes. By the way, that book has sexual content, right? Geez. This book seems to be a sexual fantasy of a mad women that's seeking for a sick pleasure of a vampire named... Edan, Eddie, Edgar, or Edwin. Ah, yes Edward. (Sorry, I had to googled the name.) Plus, I saw this mid-aged women skid to a halt and squeaking in a excited horrific kinda way at Borders the other day. Why, 'cause there was a huge Twilight display. Geez. What is the world coming to. I wonder... can it get worse.


BTW, can't wait for the movie!!! Really looking forward to it!!! LOL!!!

True Story.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

::Binge Episode::

So last night while watching the new show on FOX (Fringe), I had gorged myself on Goldfishes.

I ate sooOOOoo much that I couldn't even move.

(Oh by the way, Fringe is pure awesomeness... better than The X-Files.) By the end of the show I had finished the entire bag, which serves 6 people. FUQ! So I couldn't believe that I was binge eating... does this mean I have an eating disorder?

Weeeeeelllll... I did some research and found this:

What Are the Signs a Person Has a Binge Eating Problem?

• eat much more rapidly than normal (YES.. CUZ I WANT SECONDS)
• eat until uncomfortably full (YES... THAT'S WHY I HAVE ELASTIC-WAIST BANDS)
• eat large amounts of food even when not hungry (YES.. CUZ L8R I WILL BE)
• eat alone because of embarrassment (WELL ONLY IF I'M EATING A WHOLE CHEESECAKE BY MYSELF)
• feel disgusted, depressed, or guilty after a binge eating episode (...WELL YEAH)
• gain weight excessively (MUFFIN TOPS RULE!)

I think I need help... mmMm... sigh...

That reminds me to buy more Goldfishes for my secret stash of snacks that I keep under my bed.

True Story.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

::Hormones In Beer::

Scientists for Health Canada have suggested that men should take a look at their beer consumption, considering the results of a recent analysis that revealed the presence of female hormones in beer.

The theory is that drinking beer makes men turn into women.

To test the theory, 100 men were fed six pints of beer each. It was then observed that 100% of the men gained weight, talked excessively without making sense, became overly emotional, couldn’t drive, failed to think rationally, argued over nothing and refused to apologize when wrong.

No further testing is planned.

True Story.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Our economy is getting so effin bad, that there's regular employees stealing jobs from the immigrants. What is the world coming to. Sigh.

True Story.

Monday, September 22, 2008

:: A Mild Smell::

Today Morning I woke up and got ready for work. I drove myself to work and when I got there I prepared my usual cup of coffee and continue with my path to my work station. Along the way nothing interesting happened. It seem like any other regular day, yet something seem to be different. That feeling you get when you forget something. As I carry on with my task I start to notice a weird mild smell. I ignored for awhile. As the time flies by… hour after hour… this smell seem to get stronger and stronger. I would describe this unique odor as a dead raccoon stuffed with ricotta cheese. As the smell proceeded to my nostrils working it way into my brain cells, I was starting to develop a headache, feeling delirious, weak, emotional instability, an unsteady gait, and mini vomiting with some rage. mmMm it sounds sort of like Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy short for BSE or know also as the Mad Cow Disease (MCD). So this feeling/smell kept on going through out the day. As my shift end, it was time to take off. When I got home I realize that the smell was still with me. That’s when I decided to take drastic measurements, so I raise my hand up into the air and wave it all around just like you don’t care and turn my head slightly to the right in the position where my nose and my arm pit would meet. A distance of half an inch apart, so close that I could feel the hot temperature of my body. So I took a gigantic sniff and just then I almost went into a coma. I felt like my body was shutting down. It was me all long. I had forgotten to protect myself with the great defense of the deodorant. FUQ! How could I forget such an important thing? (Note to self, remember to wear deodorant.) So… yeah, I was sporting a natural oniony BO. Unbelievable!
True Story!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


So I decide to take a picture of my computer desktop at work (just for fun) and this is how my workstation looks like. YAY! Multi-tasking is a whole lots of MADNESS fun! It's kinda like raising baby squirrels, you go nuts.

True Story.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

::"Dear Sister"::

This video gets me every time.


True Story.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

::Shut up! shut up!::

Sometimes I think that a change of career would be, legen... dary! I don't know, maybe my dream of working in a Starbucks coffee shop will come true someday. I really think that's a great job. I mean being a barista sound sweet to me. You get to drink coffee all day. Plus they have great pastries and also they are stepping up with their breakfast selections. Oh, and coffee could be a great weapon. Yes, for example let's say that I have an annoying customer that I have to deal with and I just had a rough day. I just turn around from my cash register and grab a VENTI cup of extra hot boiling coffee and just throw it on her/his face. Just then I will yell hysterically-

"Shut up! shut up! Enough already! Who cares about your fuq'n white mocha, 3 shots, vanilla, hint of hazelnut, caramel, soy milk, extra frothy, foamy goodness, no syrup, 7 splendas, tall, grande, venti, latte... can we just use plain old english... small, medium, large instead of some other language that confuses people when placing an order for god sakes! I feel like I'm taking crazy pills! I invented the piano key neck tie! I invented it!"

And then morph to an eagle and fly away.

If I ever apply at starbucks... I think that a great question to ask on my interview would be, do you ever press any charges? LOL!

True Story

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

::Nu English::

Now days people are communicating in tech-talk (“internet slang”). What is the world coming to. Imagine if this netspeak, chat speak, chat room shorthand, or whatever you wish to call it-evolves to our Nu English. mmMm how would we sound like:





CHINO: dis HUN waz SFH

PHILL: 2H2H bro?

CHINO: Ya bro i had HLA


CHINO: Ya foo, MF2F4SX




CHINO: I will U/D da noodz

PHILL: OK, rly



CHINO: She waz UR sista



Puzzled? Pretty much just bunch of gibberish, huh? I feel ya, it’s like decrypting codes. LOL!

True story.

::mmMm, I don't see it::

Some people say that I have a huge head. Or that I'm going to fly away like a balloon. Also that I look like a walking lollipop. Seriously? mmMm, I don't see it. You tell me:

True story.

::Barf Of Joy::

I like the fact that I feel clear, good, energetic, joyful about work. Here... this illustration shows how I feel:

I like to call it... BARF OF JOY.

True story.